The Clayton E Model range is based on the ingenious principle of the Forced Circulation Monotube Coil Concept. Its versatility and responsiveness make it suitable for any steam application.
The Clayton E Model range is based on the ingenious principle of the Forced Circulation Monotube Coil Concept. Its versatility and responsiveness make it suitable for any steam application.
The Clayton E Model range is based on the ingenious principle of the Forced Circulation Monotube Coil Concept. Its versatility and responsiveness make it suitable for any steam application.
The E-Model is our gas and oil fired steam generator for larger outputs. Designed for maximum efficiency, even under variable load conditions, the E-Model produces very high quality (minimum 99.5% dry saturated) steam.
It is compact in size and footprint, high in power and simple to install. Reliability and responsiveness are top of the range. All E-Model Generators produce steam almost immediately. All parts are robust, reliable and low maintenance, and running costs are low.
The unique coil is designed to maximise efficiency and prevent hot spots caused during rapid heating and cooling. Pump synchronisation allows the steam output to be quickly adjusted, ramping up and down as required.
The E-Model operates with very low blowdown losses due to the unique Clayton Steam Separator. The Separator also recycles excess water.
10MW Output in 10 minutes
Discover the remarkable 10-minute start time of the 10 MW, 15 t/h Clayton Steam Generator on the factory test rig. Watch as the unit transitions from purge to fire-up and pressure-up phases.
How the E-Model Steam Generator works
The E-Model is made up of three key parts: the pump, coil and steam separator.
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